I had a regular dr apt on Thursday my mom and Erik came too! I had an ultra sound done and it showed that Hannah hasn't grown as much as she should and revealed a condition called IUGR (intra uterine growth restriction). This is when the blood flow through the placenta is not good and the dr's really don't know why. She did receive nourishment but not enough to fatten her up. The dr's decided that Hannah would be better outside vs inside. After being induced Hannah showed some signs of distress so they decided to do an emergency c section.
Hannah Grace Britt
May 21, 2009 10:13pm
3lbs 7oz and 16in
I was discharged from the hospital today and Hannah Grace will soon follow after we fatten her up!! Thank you so much for all of your prayers and thoughts!! We can't wait to bring our sweet baby girl home! We love each of ya'll very much and we'll keep everyone posted! Please keep us in your prayers.