Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

FUN Storytime! HG enjoying her New Year Eve party snack! Animal cracker, pretzles, and juice!
One of her positions she listened to stories too!
Parachuett fun with balloons! She wasn't to sure about this! It was loud with all the kids having fun!
Another position!!
Hannah Grace and her friend Kaden from Gymboree!

This morning Hannah Grace and I went to storytime at our local library! We have so much FUN!! Since Gymboree is closed this week we saw some of our friends from Gymboree! We got to listen to stories, sing songs, (HG LOVES the Chicken Dance), parachuett with balloons, bubbles, and a New Yr Eve party!! We LOVE going to storytime!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! HG's Radio Flyer Wagon from Santa (Ho Ho)!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!! HG got to help with the sprinkles!!
Taking it all in!
HG with her Curious George from Ho Ho!!
She knew what to do this year!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Hannah Grace woke up extra early this am at 5:15!! She was so EXCITED!! She started opening presents before Erik and I could get in there!! HG got a Radio Flyer Wagon, a pony that she can ride on, books, and ABC cards! For lunch I fixed: Honey Baked Ham, Green Beans, Homemade Mac-n-cheese, Deviled Eggs, Crescent rolls, and a Happy Birthday cake! After her nap we all went to the Seminary and took a walk with her new wagon! We also got to play in the beautiful snow! We have enjoyed our first white Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hannah Grace and Chase!!

HG LOVES shoes already! HG is wearing Mrs. Sam's shoes around her house!!
Thank ya'll so much for our princess chair!! When we got home HG was so EXCITED to show her dada! We LOVE it!!
Riding the pony!

This morning we had a playdate with our friend Chase!! The kids and mommies have so much fun! The kids were playing ball, jumping, reading books, puzzles, and just having fun!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hannah Grace with sweet family friend Sonia!!!
Hannah Grace with Mr. Gilbertson!
The Gilbertson's with HG!!

Tonight we met some sweet family friends of the Britts at Cracker Barrel! They are in town for a few days from Wisconsin! Thank yall so much for a yummy dinner! It was GREAT meeting ya'll!! Can't wait to see ya'll again soon!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Candy cane drool!
Mommy please stop taking pictures and help me!!

Hannah has had an ole cold the past few days just a runny nose and a cough. Today we had a LAZY day at home! We watched movies, fixed hair, colored, and ate candy canes! This is how we recover from a cold!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Hannah watching "Beauty and the Beast"!
The girls enjoying a candy cane!

Today we finally got out to play! Hannah missed her BFF, Gigi, while we were gone! The roads were good to drive on so we got to go and play! We LOVE our friends!!
Ice ice baby!!
Throwing a snowball at daddy!! She thought it was funny!! :)
Relaxing and watching our new dvd's!!
Hannah LOVES candy canes!!
Ice ice baby!

Yesterday we had a pajam day! We blew bubbles, played with playdough, ate candy canes, watched movies.... Oh the things you think of when your stuck inside!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Giving Sissy Xoxo's before we leave!
LOVE my Sissy!
Sorry I had to put this one in here!! We tried to get her pic taken with all of her cousins! But it wasn't going to happen!

Cole, Hannah, Hailey, Luke, and Tyler!!!

Oh the weather outside is frightful but the fire is so delightful!!
LOVE my girls!
BFF's! Hannah and Hailey!

As long as I can remember my dad would put on a Santa hat and pretend to be Santa. My mom has pics of me and my sister all the way from when we were a baby to now with Santa! I'm going to carry on the tradition!!!

The girls!
My girl!
A Georgia Ho, Ho, Ho!!

Hannah's leggo set!
Playing with her farm set!

Playing with her A,B,C block set!
Shopping cart from Aunt Betsy!
Is anyone looking!!