Today Hannah Grace got to meet baby Abigail at the Seminary!! Baby Abigail is 7 weeks old! HG was really gentle whenver she was around her! It was such a beautiful day up here but it's suppose to rain again tomorrow. As the saying goes April showers bring May flowers. When we got home from the Seminary this afternoon Aunt CC and Uncle Jim came over to see HG!! This weekend is the Kentucky Derby and they brought her the cutest little outfit for her to wear tomorrow!! Thanks ya'll!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Today Hannah Grace got to meet baby Abigail at the Seminary!! Baby Abigail is 7 weeks old! HG was really gentle whenver she was around her! It was such a beautiful day up here but it's suppose to rain again tomorrow. As the saying goes April showers bring May flowers. When we got home from the Seminary this afternoon Aunt CC and Uncle Jim came over to see HG!! This weekend is the Kentucky Derby and they brought her the cutest little outfit for her to wear tomorrow!! Thanks ya'll!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Today was Thursday so you know what that means..... it was a Gymboree day!! Hannah Grace LOVES to go to Gymboree and play!! She LOVES to see all of her friends there! It's so funny to watch them interact with each other! You wonder what they are talking about?!?! It has been raining up here for like 5 straight days. So today after Gymboree we got our quilt and some toys and we FINALLY got to play outside!!! Right now Hannah Grace's favorite toy to play iwht is her cloth baby doll! She will pick it up and give it a hug! Our hearts skipp a beat! So we have decided for her first birthday coming soon to get her her first baby doll!!!
We finally got an IHOP in Louisville!!! We went to IHOP tonight for dinner!! You just can't beat having breakfast for dinner! Hannah Grace ate half of my pancake without syrup or butter because I didn't want her up all night! Haha! I got a water to drink with a lemon and Erik wanted to give her the lemon to see what she would do! We think she liked it because she kept on putting it back in her mouth! She did make a couple of sour look faces! This little girl will eat anything!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Today after Hannah Grace woke up from her afternoon nap we all went to our local library! We've never been to it before it's close and free!!! We're trying to get her into story time at the library! We're going to try to take her to a class that's every Monday!! She LOVES to read book just like her Dada!! We rented her several books from the library! Hopefully I won't forget to return them! There was a little play room area for the kids and Hannah Grace enjoyed playing with the other toys. At the library they had toy trucks there and she has never played with trucks before so it was funny to see her reaction!! We always try to read her books before the end of the day!! Also her hair is just now long enough for me to play with it!!! I can now put her hair up in a pony tail like pebbles from the "Flinstones"! Of course we still have to have our bow so I put her bow on the front of ther pony tail! She LOVES to have a pony tail like me!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
This past weekend all it did was rain. It rained today so I was trying to think of something to do! We finger painted!! I had her music on and we were painting and dancing!! Her hair is just now long enough to put in a pony tail like pebbles from the "Flinstones"!! She LOVES her pony tail because I wear my hair in a pony tail and she'll point to mine and clap!! She is still crawling everywhere and getting into everything!!! This evening she crawled out of her room for the first time and went exploring! She's at such a fun age right now!! We're having the BEST time with her!!
Friday, April 23, 2010
As of yesterday afternoon, one day after her 11mth birthday, Hannah Grace has learned how to crawl!!! It's like with the snap of a finger she has learned how to do it!! Also yesterday she is cutting her FIRST bottom left tooth!!!! And one more thing, I had put her down for a nap yesterday and laid her on her back and she has learned how to sit up from a laying down position!! Yesterday was a BIG day! Mommy is a little overwhelemed!!! Here's some pictures of her crawling!! She LOVES to play with balls and she saw this ball and went for it!!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
This weekend mommy and Hannah Grace had a cookout with some friends from Gymboree!! The weather was prefect!! Hannah Grace, Mayala, and Chase played on quilts outside with toys all afternoon!! Hannah Grace even fell asleep on the way home!! This weekend in Louisville was Thunder Over Louisville, which is, the worlds second largest firework display!!! They also had an airshow this weekend and we got to see and hear loud jets pass by the apt all day!! We went to the Seminary to watch the fireworks on Saturday night! It was a littl chilly but HG LOVES to watch them!! This was the only hat I had in the car to protect her head from the wind! When we got home she was looking up at the sky to try and find the fireworks!!
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