Today daddy was off of work and we got to play!! We went to the park and we watched the fish in the creek!! We LOVE our days that we get to spend with daddy!!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
This post makes me sad to write but everything is ok!! Hannah Grace got a cold over the weekend she has been caughing and her nose has been runny. Yesterday in the car I noticed that she was weezing alot. Then I laid her down for a nap and I noticed that she was breathing heavily. I called the nurse at her pedi and they asked me to take her to Kosier Chirldrens Hospital. HG was such a trooper!! HG got two breathing treatmenst last night at the hospital and did great! It helped clear up her lungs! Aunt CC came with us to keep mommy straight!! We LOVE our Aunt CC!! She is always there for us!! HG had a low grade fever too. The dr last night said that her cold setteled into her chest causing her to weeze. They even took XRays to make sure that she didn't have pnuemonia. Thank goodness she didn't and we got to come home last night!
Well... We've been very busy these past few weeks! So sorry for all the behind blogging. We went to Grandad's and Grandma's Britt house for a few days and then we went to my parents housee for a few days! We LOVE seeing our sweet families!! Here are a few pics from the Britt's house. Our camera broke on our trip so I couldn't take a lot of pics like I wanted to.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
So Hannah Grace keeps us pretty busy around here 247!!!! Today she has discovered how much FUN it is to take all the toliet paper off the roll!! She had the BEST time pulling it all off!! I was peeking around the corner trying not to laugh!! I wish is grabbed the viedo camera while she was in action but I didn't want to miss it!!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Today Hannah Grace had her first pool party!! We had so much FUN!! The kids got to play while we were waiting for the other babies to get to Connor's hoouse! Hannah Grace LOVES swimming! This was her first outside pool to swim in! We had a picnic, swim with sweet new friends, and eat popsicles!! We had a GREAT afternoon! We have a little fish on our hands!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Hannah Grace had a GREAT time at Gymboree today! Today was our first official day in Level 3!! She was just right behind the other kids! She is trying so hard to walk! She will walk with you if she holds onto your fingers!! YOU GO GIRL!! Today she also climbed up the pretend rock wall at Gymboree!! So proud!
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