Hannah Grace is mommy's little helper!! For our Halloween treat we made Rice Krispies Treats!! We are going to make this our yearly tradition on Halloween!!! Hannah watched mommy pour and stir the Rice Krispies into the bowl and pour the yummy marshmallows too!! Next year she will be asking to eat the whole bag!!!! Hannah helped mommy put the Candy Corn on top of the Rice Krispies!!! Sorry for the big space I couldn't figure out how to fix it. Ugh!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Hannah Grace LOVES to talk now!!!! There isn't a silent moment in the Britt's house!!! She has discovered her vocal cords!!!! It's so funny because she tries to talk so hard that she spits everywhere!!!! You need an umbrella!!! She puts her lips together and makes noises!!! She has a big smile on her face after she's done!!! She thinks she's a BIG girl now!!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Today I took Hannah Grace into the doctor just to get her weight checked!!! To my surprise I just watched the numbers on the scale go up and up and up!!!! Finally it stopped at 12lbs 5oz!!!!!!!! Hannah has come a long way from when she was born weighing only 3lbs 7oz!!!!! She's our chunky monkey!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Hannah LOVES to go outside! So before the weather gets to cold to go outside we decided to bundle her up and take a few pictures!! She LOVES getting packages in the mail! BB sent her her matching jacket and hat the other day in the mail along with some toys!! Thank you BB and Papa!!! While I was opening up her little happy Hannah watched me open up each item with her big eyes!! She was excited to see what she got!! Here are just a few pictures that we took at the Seminary!!
Sorry for the belated blogging! I've been trying to find activities for us to do when the weather gets cold!! I found out that Pottery Barn Kids has story time every Tuesday from 11-11:30am. It's called Pottery Barn Kids Book Club Official Member!! You get this little blue book and every time you go you get it stamped! If you go five time in a row you get a very special gift!! We LOVE Pottery Barn KIDS!! Hannah and I went last week to check it out! She LOVED it! We got to listen to some stories and sing songs! Hannah especially enjoyed doing the Hokey Pokey (with my help!) Hannah LOVES to read stories when we're at home!! Her favorite book is The Runaway Bunny! She looks at every page in the book with her eyes opened really wide!!! She doesn't miss a picture!!! Next Tuesday we are bringing some friends with us to story time!! We LOVE our story time!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Hannah Grace LOVES to wake up her daddy when he gets to sleep in a bit!!! So this morning us girls got to wake up daddy!! I placed Hannah on top of Erik so she was on her tummy!!! She was just looking around at everything while holding up her head! She's such a BIG girl!!! Then all of a sudden she just started laughing!! Her laugh was such a girly laugh too!! Erik and I laughed so hard!! So today Hannah laughed for the first time!!!! I guess she thought waking up her daddy was pretty funny!!!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Hannah Grace went to big church for the first time yesterday!!! She did great through all the music! She was just watching everyone with her big eyes wide open!! Once the music stopped Hannah wanted everyone to hear her! She started cooing and crying just a little bit! She wanted to worship too!! I took her out to the hall way and feed her a bottle! We went back into worship towards the end!! Her first time at church was great though!!! She even brought her own little Bible to church!!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
It was a beautiful day up here today so we went to Huber's Farm in Indiana!!! Hannah got to see her first pumpkin patch today!!! She was alseep for most of the farm but atleast she got her Fall picture taken!!! She did great at the beginning but started to get fussy towards the end. It was a little windy up on the farm so we had to keep her hat on her head!! Since daddy was holding Hannah in the baby carrier I walked around trying to find big round orange pumpkins!! I didn't know that pumpkins could be so heavy!!! LOL!! People were trying to pick our photo session but I to ask them to wait til we were done!!! :) :) We had a great day on the farm!!! I LOVE my little family so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
We had a great weekend in Michigan!! We LOVED seeing our sweet family!! It was special to me because I got to celebrate my 31st birthday with my family!! Grandma's 90th birthday party was great! So many people came to see her on her special day!! At least 40 people came!!! She LOVED meeting Hannah Grace for the first time!! Aunt Holly and Uncle Randy also got to meet her for the first time as well!!!
Hannah did great in the car both ways!! We actually had to wake her up several times so that she can eat! She was really excited when we got there to see Grandma and Granddad Britt!!! Hannah also got to meet other family members that love her so much!! Thank you all for loving our little "diva" the way that ya'll do!!! She loves each of you so much as so do we!! We LOVE ya'll and can't wait to see ya'll soon!!! Here's some great memeories that we brought back with us!!
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