Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 31, 2011

HG and Connor being so good at lunch!
 Sweet Connor kept trying to hold HG's hand but she wouldn't let him. 
 This picture makes me laugh!!  Jen and I were talking and at the same time they both put their hands over their ears!  I think they were trying to tell us that we talk to much!!  So funny!  =)
 Connor being a gentleman and walking HG to the door!
HG just couldn't make it home!

This afternoon our sweet friends, Connor and his mommy Jen, asked us to go to lunch at their country club!  What a special treat!  Hannah Grace and Connor were so good at lunch!  Thank ya'll so much for a special treat!  We love ya'll!! 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Baby Moses!!

So I was suppose to be doing laundry this morning but someone had other plans for me!  I'm guessing I'll be folding laundry tonight!  But it's ok I'd rather play with baby and enjoy every minute I can get!!  Laundry can always wait!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sweet Friends!

 Sweet friends holding hands in Barnes and Noble!

 We LOVE our friends!!
 Sweet Connor sharing his crackers with Hannah Grace! 
Friends busy at work playing on the Thomas Train table!!

This afternoon we met our sweet friends Connor and his mommy at Barnes and Noble so the kids can play!  The kids missed each other so much that they held hands when they were walking!  The kids had so much FUN playing with Thomas the Train table!!  The mommies also had FUN drinking coffee and talking!!  We LOVE our friends!! 

Monday, March 28, 2011

 Happy Monday!!

I'm thinking baby girl is sleepy!!  She is going to get me back one day!!

This morning daddy let mommy sleep in!  Hannah is feeling much better today than yesterday!  I'm guessing it was a combination of teething and just a little old cold.  We're still going to take it easy today and just relax!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sleeping Beauty!!

 This is one of my favorite things to do!!  I LOVE rock my sweet baby girl!
 Sleeping Beauty!!

She only wants to be rocked!  Praying for a restful night!!
Does she look sick to you?!!

Today has been CRAZY!!  Hannah has had a tempature as high as 101.3 this evening.  This is the highest it has ever gotten.  It's going to be a long night.  Hannah has been playing all day and is not acting sick.  She even ate a half of a piece of pizza tonight for dinner!!  Please pray that our sweet baby girl feels better and that we don't get sick too!
 Pajama day with Daddy!
 Watching Curious George with Daddy and George!

Yesterday Hannah started sneezing all day.  Which only leads to one thing a runny nose the next day.  Last night was an on and off sleepless night.  We're having a pajama day today trying to catch up on sleep if that's possible! 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

 Someone got into my makeup!! 
 Look at those eyelashes!!

I'm not exactlly sure what she's suppose to be here!  Let's see!  She has on a princess crown, goggles, and, a stethiscope!!  Never a dull moment around here!  Have a great weekend!!
 Hannah's first peanut butter and jelly sandwhich!  I don't think she likes them.
This week Hannah got to try her first peanut butter and jelly sandwhich!  Mommy was more excited than Hannah!  In Kentucky kids have to be 2 to try peanut butter.  Mommy cheated!! As you can tell she is not a fan of peanut butter and jelly.  We will try again later for another one!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This morning we had music class!  Hannah was having so much FUN dancing!  She was shacking it!  It was so much fun to watch her!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

 Sharing yummy ice cream!
Watching Dancing With The Stars!

HAPPY 22 MONTHS HANNAH GRACE!!  How time flies!  Today we did a few of her favorite things!  We played with her kitchen set, played outside, went swimming, and went out for ice cream!  We LOVE YOU HANNAH GRACE!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

 A Fun Sunny Sunday!  Time for sidewalk chalk!!
Hannah Grace 21 mths!
 Ridding her pony outside without socks or shoes!!  YEA!

 Blowing bubbles!!

This afternoon we were outside for two hours playing!!  We blew bubbles, played with side walk chalk, rode our pony, and just had fun!  We LOVE this BEAUTIFUL warm weather and are taking advantage in it every way we can!  We even played without socks and shoes on! 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Chef Hannah Grace!

When my parents came to visit they brough HG's Christmas present up with them!  Her new kitchen set!  This has saved my life!!!  We have been playing chefs all week long if we aren't outside! She wakes up from nap and says "kitchen set"!  She has been making mommy and daddy some yummy treats!!  Happy Saturday!!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Dreams do come true!  Since we're expecting rain this afternoon I popped some pop corn after nap and turned on Cinderella!  Hannah LOVES Cinderealla!! Oh yea and pop corn!  I LOVE it when our hands reach in the bowl at the same time for some pop corn!!  Have a GREAT weekend!
 A FUN morning at the zoo with my girl!!
HG watching the Seal swim!  HG said:  Seal swims like Hannah!

This morning Hannah and I got to the zoo right when they opened at ten!  We made it through Winter and has had BEAUTIFUL Spring days the past few days! Today's high 75!!  HG LOVES going to the zoo!!  She claps her hands when we pull up and she sees the big Louisville sign for the zoo!  We saw all the animals!  She also LOVES to play on the playground!  She started to play on the toddler one and said no no and moved to the big playground!  My little monkey!!  Have a GREAT weekend!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


 Hannah Grace LOVES to wear Mr. Potatoe Head's glasses!!

Hannah Grace LOVES to wear Mr. Potatoe Head's glasses!!  I guess she sees mommy and dada wear glasses and she wants to too!  This morning we read books for an hour and she wore them the whole time we were reading!! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Today I took Hannah Grace to the dr this afternoon to make sure she didn't have an ear infection.  So thankfull she didn't have one.  We're just getting in several teeth at the same time!  She stepped on the scale at the dr office and she weighs 23 lbs at 21 mths old!!!! Not a premiee anymore!! =)
 My new friend! 
 We bonded! 
 Kentucky Horse Park!
 This is where the movie Secretariat was flimed!!  BEAUTIFUL horse!!
 On a date at a bed and breakfast with my best friend!
 We've been married for 5 years!! 
 The main house of the bed and breakfast where we stayed.  You got to eat breakfast and dinner here!
This is where we stayed!  Our bed room was the one on the top right! 

Erik took me to a bed and breakfast for our five year anniversary!  If you've never been to a bed and breakfast you must go!  So romantic!  He had chocolate coverd strawberries wating for me!  He knows those are my favorite!! Thank you for everything that you do for us girls!  WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!  XOXO's!!!  HAPPY 5 YEARS! AND MANY MORE!!