Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 27, 2010

This week has been a rough week up here. After I took Hannah Grace swimming she got sick. She's had a cough and a little runny nose. I took her to the dr on Thursday and he said that it's just an old cold and will take it's time to go away. The good thing is that he did say she's finally teething!!! He also said that she might get all of her bottome teeth in at the same time!!! We ordered her Sophie the Giraffe for teething and it's always in her mouth! (I'm glad I'm not Sophie!!) Haha!! So now we have a cold and at the same time teething.

Grandmama and Grandpap Britt came up on Friday for a weekend visit!! We LOVE having family up here!! Hannah Grace also LOVES playing with them!! Pictures soon to come!!

I'm having trouble with my blog so hopefully soon I can figure out whats going on! Hannah Grace wanted to show everyone her new skirt!! She LOVES wearing it!! Have a great weekend!!

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