Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Music class at Gymboree!
Waiting her turn for bubbles!!
Picking out an instrument to play with!
Tap, tap, tap goes the sticks!
Dancing to music and playing with her pink scarf! Pink is out favorite color!
Hannah Grace waiting for class to start! Look how sweet my baby is!! I just can't get enough of her!!
Hannah Grace and I had a busy but fun day today! This afternoon we got to go to a music class at Gymboree! She LOVED playing with the different instruments and dancing! Of course her favorite was when they blew bubbles!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Yesterday we had a pj day! We went to dr in pj's, Elmo slippers, and of course a bow!
Peek-a-Boo! Does she look sick to you?!
Cooking up some yummy dinner on her parachuett!
I was vacuuming the couch to get all the crumbs off and she had the BEST time! She was also watching Seasme Street. She LOOOOOVES Seasme Street!!!
Last week HG has been holding her right ear and a little fussy. I thought it was just from teething. I decided to take her to the dr yesterday. We found out HG has her first ear infection in her right ear and a cold on top of that. It's been a rough past couple of days. Sometimes I can't decide to shower or take a nap! Does this baby girl look like she's sick?!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Morning at the zoo!!
Ridding the merry go round!!
Relaxing at the zoo!
Watching the animals take their nap!
On this BEAUTIFUL Fall morning we met our friends at the zoo! The kids had the best time watching the animals and playing on the playground! HG is getting to be such a big girl! I would point to the animals: elephant and monkies and I asked her what they are. She knows her animals! She got both of them right! It's so much fun teaching her and watching her learn so many new things!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
My BIG blue eyes!! 
And we all know what happened....!!
ALL WET from head to toe!!!!
This evening after dinner we all went out to play! We LOVE this Fall weather!! Tonight HG had the BEST time playing in a little puddle of water from the thunderstorm last night! There was even lighting! YIKES! And we all know what happened in the end! She got ALL went from head to toe!! Splish Splash!!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Hannah Grace LOVES spaghetti!! I think it's one of her FAVORITE but a BIG MESS!! We had spagehetti last night and she slurped it all up! She's so funny to watch her eat spaghetti! She's learned how to slurp up her noodles! Erik and I were laughing at her the whole time during dinner! Enjoy!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
HG doesn't like strangers!! Especially this one!!!
Out in the pumpkin field!
HG had the BEST time out in the field of pumpkins!
Heading out to the pumpkin field in the BIG tractor! She thought this was really COOL!
This weekend we had so much FUN spending time together! Saturday we went to Huber's Pumpkin Patch in Indiana! It was just so HOT that it was fun but we have to go back because it was HOT! Hannah Grace had a GREAT time in the big pumpkin fields! We got to ride a tractor to and from the fields and she thought that was so cool!! We went last year when she was just a baby and this year we were actually chasing her!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Family Gymboree!!! 
HG trying so hard to figure of this puppett!! She finally got it!!
Still everything in her mouth. I think she will never grow out of this stage.
I decided to change HG's Gymboree schedule. Our regular class was on Thursdays at 10. That's when HG takes a morning nap and we kept on missing classes. So now we go to Gymboree on Tuesdays at 545!! It works out GREAT!! She's so worn out and ready for bath and bed when we get home!! We were worn out too!! I don't know who had more fun either Dada or HG!! Thanks Dada for coming with us!! We love you!!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
HG going on a scavenger hunt to find: pinecones, sticks, leaves, bugs.... You name it she will find it!
Throwing the leave up in the air!
Playing in the Fall leaves!
FALL IS FINALLY HERE!! What BEAUTIFUL weather we've been having! Except for all the sneezing, runny noses, and caughs it's been GREAT!! It's so beautiful to see God's AMAZING art work with all the different change of seasons!! Today HG and I borrowed our neighboors racked up leaves and had FUN! I hope they didn't mind! She loves to go on scavenger hunts and look for pinecones, sticks, leaves, bugs,.... She especially loves to play in the dirt! She will find the smallest space of dirt and play in it! I think I have a tomboy/prissy girl on my hands!!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Hannah Grace LOVES to play outside!!!
Hannah Grace also LOVES to swing! She could swing for hours!!
I like this picture bc on our walks we've been looking for pinecones! She found one and it's like she's saying where did it come from mommy?!
How sweet is she!! Her friend Connor came over today to play and he gave her some stickers! Before we went to bed we had FUN with stickers! She also liked putting them on the bathrm mirror! (You can see her one and only tooth!)
I LOVE this picture! This is her sweet friend, Connor. When they came over they went on a wagon ride! They have an arrange marrage in their future!!
HG is such a good little mommy to her baby doll! We still don't have a name yet for her but she just calls her baby! She likes to pretend change her baby's diaper!
Here's a few random pictures from our FUN week! HG has some great friends here! Her friend Connor came over the other day and they went on a wagon ride! Connor brought HG a BIG cuddly bear and stickers! His mommy, Jen, gave me some yummy cupcakes for my bday and an adorable cupcake candle! It smells YUMMY! Yes as you can tell I LOVE CUPCAKES!! Thank you Jen and Connor for making our day!! WE LOVE YA"LL!! Also HG LOVES her new babydoll! She is a GREAT little mommy! She'll pretend that she's changing her diaper and feed her a bottle! It's so funny to watch then go through each FUN stadge of her life!!
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