Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's a Gymboree Day!!

Hannah loves to slide down the slide on the bear rug!!
Mrs. Elizabeth, Hannah's teacher, helping her with the monkey bars!!
 Taking a 5 second break!!
Bubble time!!  Loves to catch the bubbles with a spoon!!
It's parachuett time!!
Giving Gymbo a nig hug and telling Mrs. Elizabeth thank you!!
Memory lane at Gymboree!!

 Learning how to walk!!
Learing how to hold up on items!!
 Playing peek a boo!!
Even daddy came to Gymboree!!

Today was our last official Gymboree class.  It's bitter sweet.  We've been at Gymboree since she has been 6mths old!!  It's our home away from home!  She loves to go there and play with all of ther friends. We've met some really sweet friends at Gymboree!!  Well still go there and play at open gym but this was our last class today. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Weekend!

LOVES to blow bubbles!!
Our silly little girl!!  =)
Hannah's first time to play putt putt!!
LOVES to play golf like daddy and Curious George!  (DVD that we have!)
 A hole in one!!  She was so excited!! ;)
 My sweet pea!!
Our all American girl!!
Opening birthday presents from Aunt CC and Uncle Jim!!

HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!  We had a fun weekend!!  It's been so hot here the past few days that we've tried to stay nice and cool inside.  We did though go play put put for the first time with Hannah in the evening.  She LOVED it!!  She watches a DVD that  has Curious George in it.  There's an episode on there and he goes and plays put put.  So she knew all about put put from Curious George!!  ;)  Even though she mainly chased the ball around she still had fun!! We also had a cookout with Aunt CC and Uncle Jim!!  She LOVES them and had a fun time watching their puppy Max play!!  Hope everyone had a safe Memorial weekend!

Friday, May 27, 2011

 Hannah getting weighed at doctor office!!  She wore her happy birthday crown!!
Daddy and Hannah!!
Relaxing with a book while waiting for the doctor to come in!!
Hannah LOVES this horse in front of the doctor office!!  She's enjoying a sucker and holding her sticker! 

This afternoon Hannah had her two year old doctor appointment!!  We were so excited to take her!! 

Weighs: 23.4 pds 10th %
Height: 31(1/2)" 5th%

We can finally introduce her to some shellfish!!  It will be interesting at the beach to see her reaction to some yummy seafood!!  We get to switch her milk to 2% milk instead of whole milk!!  The doctor wants us to take her to the dentist since we're behind in the teething department.  Over all she got an "A" on her doctor appointment!!  We've came a long way from only being 3lbs 7oz at birth!!   

Thursday, May 26, 2011

More Happy Birthday to Hannah!!

Mommy and the birthday girl!!

 All of Hannah sweet friends and their mommies!!
 Mrs. Kirkwood and sweet Connor!!
 Mrs. Nash with sweet Gigi and baby Maddie!!
 Mrs. Sam and sweet Chase!!
 Toddlers waiting for cupcakes!!
 Birthday girl enjoying her cupcake!!
 Hannah is 2yrs old!!
 Relaxing and enjoying more cupcakes!!
This morning Hannah had her friends over at the clubhouse and had her birthday party!!  She had all of her 3 friends with her this morning!  We all ate lunch together!  We had cheese sandwhichs shaped as stars and hearts, fruit, and cupcakes.  It was so much fun to eat lunch with everyone!  Thank yall so much for coming and helping us celebrate Hannah turing 2!! We LOVE ya'll!! Xoxo's!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Splash park and zoo fun!!

 Checking out the splash park at the zoo!!
 Taking it all in!!
 Clearlly not a fan of the splash park. 
LOVES the animals at the zoo!  Watch the seal swim!

This morning we went to the zoo with Chase and his mommy!!  We went to the splash park to go and play in the water!!  Hannah was not a fan of the splash park today.  We love going to the zoo with our friends!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Splash Park Fun!!

 A cool 2 year old at the splash park on a hot day!!
Hannah only runs these days!!   

This afternoon after nap we went to a splash park!!  Hannah had the park all to herself!!  She had so much FUN!!  We plan on going there alot this Summer on these hot days!  All Hannah does these days is run!  She ran from fountain to fountain!! 

Saturday, May 21, 2011


 Good morning birthday girl!!!  Mommy and daddy singing Happy birthday to Hannah!  She didn't know what to think!!
 LOVED riding the rides at Chucky Cheese!!
Chucky came to see Hannah!!  Giving him high fives!!
 Not sure what to think about the candles!!  Mommy had to help blow them out!!
 Checking out Chucky Cheese!!
Hannah was diping the candle in the icing and licking it off!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANNAH GRACE!!  How is it possible that we have a two year old?!!  This morning Hannah opened up her presents and we played with all her presents!!  Then this afternoon we went to Chucky Cheese after nap!  She LOVED running around and riding on all the rides!  You have blessed us in so many ways sweet girl!!  We all love you very much!!  Xoxo's!  

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sweet 2 yr old!!!!