Thursday, September 30, 2010
My 32nd Birthday Weekend!
Thank you Mrs. Snowden for driving us down for 6hrs to BHam! Love ya!
All the girls! HG was having a hard time figuring out this twin thing!
All of Papa's girls!! Even Sissy!!
Girls just wanna have FUN!!
For my birthday weekend HG and I got to go to BHam!! Thank you dada for letting us go! We had such a GREAT time! We got to see Aunt Betsy, Aunt Nat, Uncle Garrett, BB, Papa, and of course Sissy!! It was great seeing everyone! For my bday Papa took HG and I to Zaxby's for lunch and then he took us to two different malls! Everyone else had unexpected tickets to the MS State and Ga game! Happy 32nd Birthday To Me!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
CONGRATULATIONS Amber and Chance!!
Hannah Grace was Grandpa's girl over the weekend!!
My little family of three!!
My girl!!
Tickle time with Grandma!!
Staying cool in Michigan! It was AWESOME Fall like weather!
This weekend we got to spend some special time with the Britts and their wonderful family!! It was Erik's cousin's weddig, Mrs. Amber! This was Erik's first wedding to preach in! I'm so PROUD of him and all of his accomplishments!! I am so PROUD of him! He did such a GREAT job! Here's several pictures from our weekend in Michigan! We LOVE YA'LL!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Hannah Grace LOVED ridding the carasell!
Our friend was behind us so she got to take a pic of me and my girl!
HG playing with the pretend monkies!!
This is our good friend, Chase and his mommy! They joined us at the zoo this morninng!!
This morning we went to the zoo with our friends, Chase and his mommy! We went before it get to be 94 today. Yes it's the middle of September and we still have hot weather. YUCK! HG LOVES to play at the playground at the zoo! I was up at the top of the slide about ready to slide down with her and I turned my head for a sec. and she had already went down all by herself! It scared me! I was waiting for her to cry bc she went down so fast! She was at the bottom playing in the mulch and claping her hands! She's a MESS!!! We also got to ride the fun carasell today at the zoo! We had so much FUN!! We LOVE all of our sweet friends!!
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